December 9, 2020

On the 8th December – mark when the journey begun. Our Phuket team left the city at around 02.00hr.

Our team reached Nakhorn Si Thammarat at around 09:00hr before packing up the relieve packages with the villagers until 13.00hr. We did have other Caravan support since the water level was too high and salty. So a part from Thanking all the donators that supported us for this CSR Campaign, we would like to convey Thankfulness to the below services that was involved: – Shared Gratitude Transportation Service to lead our way – Military Trucks and 5 militaries that helped us.- 3 pick ups and 3 fortuner car that helped to transport our team and food there.

Since we did organize another big pick up for the service, we had it to send it back to Phuket as one big Military Car was sufficient to accommodate all our food packages.

We are grateful for our employees, other kind hearted people who were there on site to pack the food items and who wasn’t there physically still opted in Money to help the really needed people: old, young, family also pets that was in this tragedy.

More updates will be given soon to all as this was just the beginning of the project before we take it into action.
